Archery stuff

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Archery stuff

Post by Rapier1772 » 24 Mar 2013, 20:38

I'm not sure how many bow shooters we have here but I'd thought I would toss this out & see what happens. No archery forum either so I am leaving the thread title suitable for general purposes.

I was about to buy a recurve bow for play & for our shooting club n00bs to shoot. I want a take-down style so that I can change out damaged limbs or change the draw weight as needed, as such I was looking at the Martin Jaguar. As advised by local shop, I was trying to find #30 & #40 limbs (I'd prefer higher but this is for n00bs more than me). While searching for limbs I came across several forums talking about the Jag's limbs breaking even during an initial test pull with these bows.
I realize that $150 isn't going to buy the best bow out there but damn, it had better last longer than a few test pulls & actual shots :skep:

So anyway, I am back in search of a decent bow that doesn't cost much. Any suggestions? I can't afford much & I kind of expect the n00bs to break it, hopefully not but smeg happens.
I did ask the local shop what he recommended & of course it was the bows he sold. I'm looking for more impartial opinions.

(The poll was because I am a bit sleep depraved & thought it would be funny)
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Re: Archery stuff

Post by blueorison » 24 Mar 2013, 20:58

Within the context of your price and replaceable limbs with quality and robustness to survive newbies:

Samick Sage.

25lb limbs are fine.

50lbs is what I use.

When I get tired of throwing sub-MOA rocks, because I'm almost out of ammunition and need to cross-train. :laugh:
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Re: Archery stuff

Post by ChuckD » 24 Mar 2013, 21:58

No experience with recurves, but I've had a Mathew's FX for a long time.

If you're looking for compound, Go Mathews or Hoyt.

I've got plenty of Robin Hoods with my Mathews, to the point where it upsets me that I've ruined a $4 carbon arrow.

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Re: Archery stuff

Post by Rapier1772 » 24 Mar 2013, 22:32

Thanks for the info on the Sage blue, further reading said several people were replacing their Martin limbs with Sage & had no problems after that.

Chuck, I already have a compound for hunting, a Martin Magnum. Needs maintenance though, haven't changed the string since I bought it 10 years ago (stopped shooting it for a few years & it just stayed in the case). Asked a shop what they wanted for restringing - $150. No thanks, I have a buddy who knows a lot more about bows that is willing to help me. Yeah, I'll have to spend that much on an initial set up but won't have to buy most of it next time & I'll learn more.

I want the recurve for playing around and as a loaner bow for the ISU shooting club. We've already told the other members that they can use our bows if they can pull 'em. If someone isn't experienced, they probably won't be able to pull a 60+ lb bow right away so we need a couple of beginners' weight bows.
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Re: Archery stuff

Post by blueorison » 24 Mar 2013, 23:19

I only use 60 lb limbs when I want to impress the wildlife.

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Re: Archery stuff

Post by SpaceCoyote » 27 Mar 2013, 07:14

Me thinks new bows are overpriced crap.

Get on ebay & find yourself an old Grayling-era Bear bow. A kodiak or grizzly or something of the like. They can be had for under $150 (a few years ago could get them around $75-100) & will beat anything around these days. Plus the grayling era ones hold their value if you ever decide to sell & upgrade. Make sure and ask the seller that the limbs are straight & about any stress fractures.

These bows I mentioned are not takedown bows. I've had a few takedowns & never liked them as much as one-piece b/c I thought they were too heavy, some of them nearly as heavy as a small compound. A good one piece will be so much lighter & feel as an extension of your arm. I understand your concern about limb replacement, but as long as you always use a bow stringer & never store it strung those limbs should last tens of thousands of shots.

Only once have I ever broken a limb & it was my own dumb fault. I had a Bear that I had setup as a bowfishing rig that I let sit in the truck STRUNG in the Texas heat for about 2 weeks. Then one evening as my buddies & I were crappie fishing, a 3-4 gar emerged and as I drew my bow CRACK!!! I still have the broken bow hanging in my garage as a reminder.

Anyway that's my opinion, if you want a new bow go for it but I think the old Bear's are the ticket!

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Re: Archery stuff

Post by nrv216 » 27 Mar 2013, 09:34

Hey guys,

This post popped up at a convenient time. My wife and I were walking in a new forest preserve the other day when we stumbled across an archery range. We poked around a little and my wife decided she really wants to take up archery. She is interested in the olympic style stuff so I am assuming she should get a recurve bow?

SO...Where should I start? She is small, about 5'1" and 110lbs, but pretty strong. I know NOTHING about archery and my internet research is not getting me very far besides knowing the different types of bows and that preference has a lot to do with it. Is there anyone who feels like helping or knows of a decent archery shop where I could talk to someone in the Chicagoland area? Thanks in advance.


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Re: Archery stuff

Post by Rapier1772 » 27 Mar 2013, 10:24

I know it can be a lot to sort through but Archery Talk is decent forum for n00bs. They also have used equipment for sale so you don't lose so much buying a new one.

A good place to buy is Lancaster Archery (online) & they have a specific section for Olympic stuff. Look around though, they aren't always the cheapest & not everything is in stock.

Its funny, as old as archery is - there is a LOT of stuff that goes into it. I think it is more complex than firearm shooting & reloading. But then again, I'm also still a n00b :?:
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Re: Archery stuff

Post by NLVMike » 27 Mar 2013, 13:24

My daughter has been wanting to get into archery for a while (Hunger Games). She has long arms, but not a lot of strength. I didn't really want to buy her a youth bow and have her grow out of it so quick. She wanted compound. Diamond jumped on the wagon and came out with the Infinite Edge. Pretty cool bow. Adjustable from 13" to 30" draw and from 5 to 70 lbs. We set it up for her at 27.5" draw and 20 lbs. After a couple of weeks she is ready for heavier draw. I'm pretty impressed with the package. She is 15.

On the same note, I have been shooting with her, and it is nice to get back into practice with my compound. It has given me the itch to get a recurve and learn to shoot instinctive. Some good advice here on this post. I'm currently stuck between the Samick Sage and a nice lightweight one piece. Ebay has some great options. Keep the advice coming, I will pull the trigger (release) soon.

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Re: Archery stuff

Post by blueorison » 27 Mar 2013, 21:23

If you're a woman I recommend you get a compound bow, instead of a recurve.

I'm kidding.

Compound bows are more fun to shoot for some, however, as it is much easier. Unless you use 25lb limbs on a recurve, in which case the arrows - even light ones - are pretty much useless past 15 feet.
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Re: Archery stuff

Post by NLVMike » 27 Mar 2013, 21:34

I only spend enough time at the range to make sure all is working for hunting season. I hunt from a tree stand. I can't imagine trying to use a recurve or longbow from a stand. My newer compound has nearly parallel limbs, which really shortens up the bow and makes it easier to move around in a tree. It also has 80% let-off. I don't care how strong you are, you will never hold a recurve back long enough while waiting for that buck to step into a clearing.

On another note, my older compound was a state of the art Hoyt, sometime around when Blue was born. It shoots around 210-220 fps. My newer Hoyt is about 310 fps. I went back and looked at all my pics and video. The deer were just as dead with the old one.

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Re: Archery stuff

Post by Cyberfly » 28 Mar 2013, 09:17

I know squat diddly about archery.
With that said, let me say this: My wife decided she wanted to take up the sport. She was on her health kick at the time, had walked off over 100 pounds, was walking daily, hitting weights and was gung-ho about everything she did. So, I encouraged it. Spent nearly $800 getting her the pink camo top of the line compound something or other. I remember it had 'blue diamond'... anyway. I spent a LOT of money.
My best friend is an archery god and taught her some basics.
Then it sat in our bedroom and collected dust for three years.
Until we sold everything for about $250 on Craigslist just to get it gone.
My point?
Look around. There are people who have made the exact same stoopid mistake I did and jumped in with both feet only to let the high dollar equipment SIT and do nothing with it. You can get a BRAND NEW never used top of the line (two or three years ago) used model for cheap if you don't get in too big of a hurry. No sense in spending a ton of money for something if you're not sure that's what you're wanting to do. Hers was a compound and you already have one. You're looking for a recurve or a take down. Shop around. Take some of the other guy's advice and hunt for used gear that is still in good shape. Look at Craigslist and eBay and see what you can find.
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Re: Archery stuff

Post by Rapier1772 » 28 Mar 2013, 11:26

One note on buying a used compound, ask when it was last restrung. Restringing can cost an extra $100-$150 if it needs it.
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Re: Archery stuff

Post by Rapier1772 » 31 Mar 2013, 13:49

Saw this at Sportsman's in Idaho Falls. That's a bow stabilizer on the left and normal sized broadheads on the lower right.

I want to see the bow used to fire that thing & also the archer who can pull such a bow. :laugh:
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Re: Archery stuff

Post by nrv216 » 03 Apr 2013, 18:41


So I took the wife to cabela's today where they are nice enough to let you try some bows out. She definitely wants to go with a recurve. We are buying her a 35# samick sage but I have absolutely no clue about which arrows to use. I know you need to use feather fletched arrows for a recurve and they measured her pull length and 24-25. What are some good arrows to buy for her just to practice with? Thanks in advance.


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Re: Archery stuff

Post by Rapier1772 » 03 Apr 2013, 20:01

Wish I had some actual knowledge to bestow but I just had some extra carbons laying around. I refletched 'em with feathers couple days ago & I was just about to go try them out tonight (indoor range is open 24/7).

Cabela's should have had some prefletched arrows you could get. If they are just for practice & learning then I don't think it's all that vital which ones you get, but that's just my uneducated opinion :laugh:
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Re: Archery stuff

Post by Cyberfly » 04 Apr 2013, 06:10

I didn't know you needed to used real feathers with a recurve. Is there a reason for that?
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Re: Archery stuff

Post by Rapier1772 » 04 Apr 2013, 08:41

As the arrow passes over the rest, the feathers will lie down where there the plastic vanes will not.
This will effect your aim, arrow flight, vane condition & life, and may eventually also damage the arrow rest.
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Re: Archery stuff

Post by blueorison » 04 Apr 2013, 23:56

Rapier1772 wrote:As the arrow passes over the rest, the feathers will lie down where there the plastic vanes will not.
This will effect your aim, arrow flight, vane condition & life, and may eventually also damage the arrow rest.

If you use synthetic fletching with your recurve arrows, it will rip them off.

However, you can get a rest that is flexible and has a low tensile strength. It will make your arrows last much longer.
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Re: Archery stuff

Post by SHEEPDOG » 06 Apr 2013, 18:27

I use longbows. Quick, simple and fast.

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Re: Archery stuff

Post by flyingirish04 » 09 Apr 2013, 12:12

Blue is right on with his recomendation for recurves and for arrows and fletching. Those Sages are great

If you do upgrade to compound, start cheap until they get familiar. After that, it is about feel. I have shot Matthews and Martin in past, just never liked the feel. I shoot PSE, Hoyt, and my main hunting bow is my 2007 Bowtech Guardian which is smoother than a Hoyt Carbon Element or Spyder, and just as fast.

If you can get one used, you save a bundle. I know that of my four buddies I archery hunt with, all but one shoots an 07 Guardian as at least one of their bows. The other is in love with his new Spyder and shot a Matthews before that. The spyder feels identical shooting as the new Carbon Element and is way less.
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Re: Archery stuff

Post by nrv216 » 16 Apr 2013, 07:52

Ended up buying a new 35# Samick Sage on ebay and some 600 spine Gold tips with 4" feather fletchings from for my wife. We are going to have tips put on the arrows today and then going to shoot it! Thanks for your help and wish her luck!

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Re: Archery stuff

Post by Rapier1772 » 16 Apr 2013, 08:04

nrv216 wrote:Ended up buying a new 35# Samick Sage on ebay and some 600 spine Gold tips with 4" feather fletchings from for my wife. We are going to have tips put on the arrows today and then going to shoot it! Thanks for your help and wish her luck!
Just make sure you cut the arrows long enough for both of you to play :laugh:

It's weird how much finger placement effects where you hit.
"One over, two under" hits about 2.5ft higher at 20yd than the "three under" pull - for me anyway (referring to finger placement BTW).
Had someone tell me about "walking the string" to compensate for distances. Haven't tried it yet, will wait until I get decent at a fixed distance.

Question though - would the string hitting the arm(guard) cause an arrow to 'corkscrew'? In addition to the normal spiral that an arrow travels in, I've noticed the arrow (the fletchings & nock that I can see) sometimes does a barrel roll pattern. I doubt the point is doing that but I can't see it well enough to know for certain.
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Re: Archery stuff

Post by nrv216 » 16 Apr 2013, 08:12

Thanks for the additional advice Rapier. I am glad this thread is still rolling. The more info we can get the better.


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Re: Archery stuff

Post by Mister Freeze » 16 Apr 2013, 09:50

String cam off my Horton 150 crossbow... Apparently I put it back on wrong. Anybody got a diagram?

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Re: Archery stuff

Post by Rapier1772 » 16 Apr 2013, 10:15

A word of warning for anyone changing their own strings: Before attempting to re-string your bow, take pics or draw diagram of what goes where.
Put a new string on my compound, bought it from Martin factory, was more expensive than I liked but no guessing on the size/type being correct. When I pulled the string out though, it was pre-served - nice! (Serving string is the coil of smaller string around the main string for wear protection and to lock in accessories like a peep sight, drop away rests, & string silencers.)
I still have to serve in my own accessories & nocks but the main string, where the arrow gets nocked, was taken care of. If I had known that, I wouldn't have whined about the price on their purchasing survey :laugh: Oh well.

Arrow rest should be here by Friday & I should have it done this weekend.

New sight, new string, new arrow rest, new stabilizer... This thing is worse than new rifle :laugh:

Freeze, I suggest contacting Horton to see if they'll send you one.
I don't have a diagram but I found some different 150 models online & some look more complex than others. Maybe you can use those pics to figure it out?
I started looking at crossbows because of your question, when did they start putting the bow part on backwards? :laugh: Still makes sense & also looks like it cuts the width way down.
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Re: Archery stuff

Post by flyingirish04 » 16 Apr 2013, 12:24

That is why I have a guy that works on my bows. I don't mess with them. I know how too, but don't have the right tools/don't do it enough. I take each bow in every year and have him work through it. $20 bill plus any parts I buy from him. Pretty cheap, and his work is always perfect.
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Re: Archery stuff

Post by VeTTeMaNC486 » 16 Apr 2013, 22:25

I just use a longbow I made out of mostly pvc for 5 dollars. Havent measured the draw weight but it takes quite a bit to draw it. It was a pretty fun project. I need to get some decent arrows and tips.

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Re: Archery stuff

Post by Rapier1772 » 04 Aug 2014, 19:43

Holy hole-punch Batman!!!!
Deer season is coming up soon & I bought some new broadheads to try out. They are called Toxic broadheads & from the pointy end, they look like a biohazard symbol.
I also bought a broadhead target to test them & wow! I can't test these very much, if they cut that much out of my target each shot, it won't last long.
There were two of those foam "worms" when I pulled the broadhead out but I guess I dropped one. The red is just Sharpie for marking it as a practice broadhead.
The blades don't really feel sharp but they definitely get the job done. They've been outlawed in some states because they "cause too much damage" :drool: I'll say that again because it's music to my ears "too much damage" :laugh: :thumb:

Also note, I changed the poll again :D
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Re: Archery stuff

Post by grimmond » 07 Aug 2014, 15:45

Where did you pick up those broad heads from? I looked locally but have not seen them.
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Re: Archery stuff

Post by Rapier1772 » 07 Aug 2014, 17:39

They're all over the place here - every archery shop, Dick's Sporting Goods, Cabela's, Sportsmen's Warehouse...
Check your laws, they may be illegal there. They are legal in Idaho, illegal in Colorado - those are the only states I know about.

EDIT: According to their webpage, they have dealers in WA. Here's their dealer locator page:"
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Re: Archery stuff

Post by DoubleJ » 07 Aug 2014, 19:51

Colorado has some requirement about the entire cutting surface being on the same plane. The manufacturer says they're legal in WY, CO, and PA (they all seem to have that law) but the rest of the internet seems to believe that a game warden would feel differently. Is there anything the goverment hasn't regulated yet?

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Re: Archery stuff

Post by Rapier1772 » 07 Aug 2014, 20:43

Given a lot of the archery laws in Idaho, I am kind of surprised these are legal but they are. Hell, even Lumenocks are illegal here (for now, might change soon)...
Idaho's restrictions are only for big game though, anything goes for small game.
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Re: Archery stuff

Post by grimmond » 08 Aug 2014, 18:18

Found some, thanks.
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Re: Archery stuff

Post by Rapier1772 » 13 Aug 2014, 20:15

I've got kind of a goofy question for y'all, can a bullet proof vest (just the kevlar, not with the plates) stop an arrow? Just some comments on the range today got me thinkin'...
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Re: Archery stuff

Post by panzermk2 » 13 Aug 2014, 20:40

Most likely not at all. While Kevlar is great for stopping bullets, pointy stuff no where as much.
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Re: Archery stuff

Post by grimmond » 14 Aug 2014, 11:42

Rapier1772 wrote:I've got kind of a goofy question for y'all, can a bullet proof vest (just the kevlar, not with the plates) stop an arrow? Just some comments on the range today got me thinkin'...

I see the need for some testing of various tips now.
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Re: Archery stuff

Post by Rapier1772 » 14 Aug 2014, 12:09

Don't waste the hard to get or hard to sharpen broadheads but the standard straight blades or even the mechanicals (i.e. Grimm Reapers & Spitfires), I'd be curious.
Assuming Panzer is right, I'd like to see what one of my F-15s could do :evil:
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Re: Archery stuff

Post by Rapier1772 » 18 Aug 2014, 13:21

This morning, just for shiggles, I tried "spotlighting" with my bow at the indoor range.
There was no one else there so I tied a flashlight to my bow's stabilizer & turned off the lights. I have a couple of arrows with Lumenocks so I fired them downrange. That looked cool :laugh:
Of course it's not legal for hunting but it made things interesting, a weapon light on a bow :lmao:
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Re: Archery stuff

Post by Rapier1772 » 29 Sep 2014, 06:18

Elk season is over, I didn't get one :facepalm: My buddy did though, nice 5 point.
I saw deer, an elk calf, heard a lot of elk bugling/whistling, met some good people, & enjoyed the outdoors (despite the wet weather). Still chalking it up as a good season.

Told a professor who enjoys hunting about buddy's elk, he says "Anyone who can drop an elk with a stick is worthy of respect." :laugh:
I like that one :thumb:
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Re: Archery stuff

Post by Goldngun » 03 Oct 2014, 06:57

I use a tenpoint carbon fiber crossbow. Love it. Incredibly accurate & easy to use. Silent & deadly...almost better than my suppressed 300 blackout with 220 grain subs!

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Re: Archery stuff

Post by Goldngun » 03 Oct 2014, 07:02

DoubleJ wrote:Colorado has some requirement about the entire cutting surface being on the same plane. The manufacturer says they're legal in WY, CO, and PA (they all seem to have that law) but the rest of the internet seems to believe that a game warden would feel differently. Is there anything the goverment hasn't regulated yet?
Colorado has become a mini-commie-(cali)fornia. It's a shame...

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Re: Archery stuff

Post by Goldngun » 03 Oct 2014, 07:04

Rapier1772 wrote:Holy hole-punch Batman!!!!
Deer season is coming up soon & I bought some new broadheads to try out. They are called Toxic broadheads & from the pointy end, they look like a biohazard symbol.
I also bought a broadhead target to test them & wow! I can't test these very much, if they cut that much out of my target each shot, it won't last long.
There were two of those foam "worms" when I pulled the broadhead out but I guess I dropped one. The red is just Sharpie for marking it as a practice broadhead.
The blades don't really feel sharp but they definitely get the job done. They've been outlawed in some states because they "cause too much damage" :drool: I'll say that again because it's music to my ears "too much damage" :laugh: :thumb:

Also note, I changed the poll again :D
I'm ordering some of those for my crossbow TODAY!! Thanks

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Re: Archery stuff

Post by Rapier1772 » 16 Sep 2015, 11:26

A coworker's brother was shooting at a target which was in front of a barn, he missed the target but hit the barn.
Obviously it's an aluminum arrow but that's impressive.

(Changed poll again)
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Re: Archery stuff

Post by Rapier1772 » 12 Oct 2015, 10:38

Just found out about these things called Bow-Mags which are basically cartridge holding arrowheads.
Saw some review vids on youtube & basically, they suck. They do cause the round to go bang though so I think they'd make the current poll easier to test. $35 for six (plus S&H & plus arrow cost) to make a tannerite boom with a bow & arrow? :ponder: Gonna have to think on that a while...

They are made of plastic (except the firing pin), anyone want to make them out of something stronger? :D
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Re: Archery stuff

Post by grimmond » 12 Oct 2015, 15:20

Looked at the bow mags also, but the reviews seemed to be mixed. A non plastic version to direct more energy forward would be interesting.
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Re: Archery stuff

Post by Rapier1772 » 26 Mar 2017, 04:09

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Re: Archery stuff

Post by Esteves » 05 May 2017, 20:10

Who voted "no"? And why?
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Re: Archery stuff

Post by Rapier1772 » 19 Aug 2017, 05:05

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Re: Archery stuff

Post by Rapier1772 » 03 Sep 2017, 09:24

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Re: Archery stuff

Post by Rapier1772 » 26 Aug 2024, 00:34

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Re: Archery stuff

Post by panzermk2 » 26 Aug 2024, 08:35

Shut the little fucker up.
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